Exiled Productions
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3/27/01 - eggheads.org releases EggDrop1.6.3.tar.gz
3/23/01 - ep wallpaper by ansimation released
3/20/01 - IRC Scripts section is up (only 2 scripts so far.)
3/20/01 - Auto-Spam v1 Released, an innovative mIRC addon
                for spamming. check back later for updates on chans.dat
   3/8/01 - i started to learn cgi so that i could impliment it into
                the design ;]
   3/7/01 - we got our
ftp up and running. unfortunatly, nothing on it.
   3/6/01 - artpack #1 has began to be assembled...!
   3/5/01 - we got a decent temp layout
   3/4/01 - we got our html version of the member application
   3/3/01 - we welcome adam a.k.a. "killer" to our crew.
                 he is a web master and is a PHP scripter...

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